Hurricane Electric

Hurricane Electric Rack Naming Standard

Rack Naming Standard

This document describes the Hurricane Electric rack naming standard. The word rack is used interchangably for both relay rack and cabinet space.

There are three different formats of rack id which are used depending on whether a single rack is specified, a series of racks, or part of a shared rack.

Type Notation Example 1 Example 2
single rack Location.Room.Row.Rack sjc.14.01.01 fmt.01.01.42
series of racks Location.Room.Row.First-Last sjc.14.08.01-06 fmt.01.01.60-63
part of a shared rack Location.Room.Row.RackS sjc.14.01.03s fmt.01.01.49s

Location is the three letter city code. When there is more than one Hurricane Electric location in a city the second location will be followed by a 2, the third a 3, etc.

Room is a two digit number starting at 1, i.e. 01 or 03 or 12. In multistory building, such as 55 South Market, the room number is the floor, i.e. 02 or 14.

Row, Rack, First, and Last are two digit numbers starting at 1. Row corresponds to a row of racks. Where possible rows are numbered in ascending order from the front of a room to the back of a room. Rack corresponds to which rack in that row. Where possible racks are numbered in ascending order left to right. When specifying a series of racks First and Last correspond to the first and last racks in that series.

Part of shared rack is specified by appending the letter s to a single rack id.

Rack Labelling

Each rack must be labelled with the Row.Rack portion of the rack id. In this case the Row must omit any leading zeros, i.e. 1.23 instead of 01.23. The Rack must retain any leading zeros, i.e. 1.01 instead of 1.1. This is to avoid confusion with 1.10.

Relay rack labels must be centered on the foot of the relay rack facing upwards. Cabinet labels must be centered above the door.

Cross Connect Labelling

All cross connects must have both ends labelled with the destination and source individual rack ids (no series or partial notation). The city portion of the rack id may ommitted if both ends of the cross connect are in the same facility. The room portion of the rack id may ommitted if both ends of the cross connect are in the same room. Cables labelled with just Row.Rack must follow the same conventions as rack labelling regarding preservation or omission of zeros.

Cross connect labelling is to be done via cable labels affixed approximately 2 inches from the end of the cable.

Rack Map


    | 1.03  1.06 | 2.03  2.06 | 3.03  3.06 | 4.03   4.06   4.09 |
    | 1.02  1.05 | 2.02  2.05 | 3.02  3.05 | 4.02   4.05   4.08 |
    | 1.01  1.04 | 2.01  2.04 | 3.01  3.04 | 4.01   4.04   4.07 |
                                               |  5.01   5.03   |
                                               |  5.02   5.04   |
    +------------+------------+------------+   |                |
    | 8.04  8.01 | 7.04  7.01 | 6.04  6.01 |   | 5.05 5.06 5.07 |
    | 8.05  8.02 | 7.05  7.02 | 6.05  6.02 |   |                |
    | 8.06  8.03 | 7.06  7.03 | 6.06  6.03 |   | 5.08 5.09 5.10 |
    +------------+------------+------------+   +----------------+
                               HVAC           TRANS        UPS

                           9.09 9.08 9.07    9.03  9.02  9.01

                           9.12 9.11 9.10    9.06  9.05  9.04



      1.03 1.02 1.01
 2.05 2.04 2.03 2.02 2.01
 3.05 3.04 3.03 3.02 3.01


1.01 1.02 1.03 ... 1.42    1.46 ... 1.84

--NOC DOOR------------------------------

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